27 Şubat 2012 Pazartesi

Eldridge Financial Blog


IRELAND is the freest economy in the euro zone but it has slipped from seventh to ninth in the most recent world ranking by right-wing think tank the Heritage Foundation. According to Eldridge Financial Blog, Ireland’s economic freedom score was 76.9, down 1.8 points from last year, when it was the seventh freest economy in the world. Ireland was then the second-freest economy in Europe after Switzerland. n addition, the foundation points out that this was reflected the poorer management of government spending and reduced monetary freedom. Furthermore, Ireland was just ahead of the US in the index. The least free was North Korea, in 179th place.
The world’s freest economy, for the 18th year in a row, was Hong Kong. It scored 89.9 out of 100 on the foundation’s index, which looks at countries under four different categories; rule of law, how efficient its regulations are, how small its government is and how open the markets are.

After suffering a deep downturn, it has been on a path of gradual recovery. The Irish economy has undergone sharp economic adjustments. The index warned on how Ireland’s “ballooning cost of settlements has extended the uncertainty in the financial sector and turned a banking crisis into a sovereign debt crisis. The budget deficiency has been on the rise, increasing the debt impediment. Unlike other troubled euro zone economies as noted on Eldridge Financial Blog, however, Ireland has a number of tightly intact institutional strengths. “The foundations of economic freedom are buttressed by well-institutionalized protection of property rights and a stable judiciary. Regulatory efficiency and openness to global commerce support Ireland’s competitiveness.”

Ireland trailed Chile in seventh place and Mauritius in eighth. Singapore was second for the 18th year, followed by Australia, New Zealand and Switzerland. China ranked 138, down from 135.

The Company – Eldridge Financial (Ezine Ready)


Eldridge Financial is a diversified financial services firm. We aim to understand, anticipate and meet our clients’ changing financial needs with a multitude of high-quality products and services. Since our founding in 2004, Eldridge Financial has grown to become: 1) A multiproduct money manager of assets for institutions as well as investment advisory for private clients, with expertise in hedge fund strategies, private equity, currency management, institutional real estate, equities and fixed income; 2) One of the largest Swiss-based broker/dealers for institutions and other financial entities; and 3) A national leader in consulting services, offering a broad range of financial advisory capabilities, compensation and executive benefit strategies, as well as real estate consulting.
Our firm is well capitalized and has been consistently profitable, with capital of $302 million, revenues totaling $510 million for fiscal 2011 and $59.1 billion in assets under management as of September 30, 2011, broken down as follows: Currency Management – $30.0 billion; Advanced Strategies – $14.0 billion; Investment Advisory – $5.6 billion; Fixed Income – $3.8 billion; Private Equity – $3.3 billion; Commodities – $1.0 billion; US Value Equity – $0.6 billion; Institutional Real Estate – Multi-Manager – $0.3 billion; International Equity – $0.3 billion; Institutional Real Estate – Direct – $0.2 billion.
*Currency also advises internally on another $3.4 billion of client funds.
For the past years our firm has remained committed to the defining characteristics and core values upon which it was founded.
Why Eldridge Financial
Eldridge Financial has achieved success over the years by viewing change as an opportunity to evolve and grow. At the same time, we have remained steadfast to our defining characteristics and our core values. These principals guide us as we pursue our most important goal: to provide clients with exceptional performance and service.
The Distinguishing Characteristics of Eldridge Financial are: 1) Independent – Without pressure from outside interests, we provide unbiased and objective advice; 2) Diversified – With a uniquely deep and broad range of services, we provide comprehensive and integrated solutions; and 3) Well-Capitalized – Our financial strength allows us to offer objective advice and make thoughtful investment in the future.
The Core Values of Eldridge Financial are: 1) Innovation – Applying proven strategies in novel ways, we create sound solutions to address today’s complex challenges; 2) Integrity – In everything we do, we work to earn and keep our clients’ trust; 3) Long-Term Relationships – We build lasting, stable relationships with our clients and partners, based on trust and transparency  ; and 4) Social Responsibility – We believe in using our success to support stronger communities
and a healthier planet.